EARLI 2015


Information on review process

You can download the guidelines for proposals and about the submission process here.


Depending on the format and type of research report, the proposals will be reviewed by at least two referees.

In general, they apply the following criteria

  • Overall quality and scientific originality
  • Significance for theory, practice, and policy
  • Theoretical framework, conceptual rationale, pragmatic grounding
  • Clarity of definition of research questions and objectives
  • Research method and design (context, participants, data sources, sampling, procedure, ethical issues)
  • Quality, validity and appropriateness of analysis
  • Presentation of results
  • Interpretation of results (practical and theoretical relevance)
  • Organisation, structure and language of submission
  • Relevance to the EARLI domain of learning and instruction.

In the table below we present these various formats and types of contributions with the respective review criteria.


Theoretical contribution

Round table

ICT demonstration
or Workshop

as a whole

Overall quality and scientific originality
As column 1
As column 1
As column 1
As column 1
Significance for theory, practice and policy
As column 1
As column 1
As column 1
As column 1
in relevant literature

Theoretical framework, conceptual rationale, pragmatic grounding

As column
As column 1
As column 1
As column 1
Clarity of definition of research questions and objectives
As column 1
Clarity of definition of research questions and objectives
Clarity of definition of research questions and objectives

Research method and design (context, participants, data sources, sampling, procedure, ethical issues)

As column 1

Validation in domain of application (as research method, data collecting, research procedure etc.

Quality, validity and appropriateness of the analysis
Clarity of argument

Clarity of issue at stake to discuss


Presentation of results
Clarity of conclusions
 Quality of workshop format (activity based) or demonstration activities

Interpretation of results (practical and theoretical relevance)

Relevance of the conclusions
Organization, structure and language of the submission
 Organization and internal logic of the whole symposium
Relevance to the EARLI domain of Learning and Instruction
10 criteria
10 criteria
8 criteria
8 criteria
5 criteria